Landlord Studio

How Landlord Studio increased conversions by 2.7% thanks to Steadily

Learn how Landlord Studio liberated their clients from the time-consuming process of purchasing a landlord insurance policy, leading to a 2.7% increase in conversions.
Increased Conversion Rate
Monthly Time Saved for Clients
Improved Customer Retention

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Landlord Studio is a user-friendly property management and accounting solution designed for landlords. With Landlord Studio, landlords can track income and expenses, run reports, collect rent online, find and screen tenants, manage property maintenance, and more. Over 4,700 landlords use Landlord Studio to stay organized for tax time and compliant with ever-evolving legislation.


Landlord Studio’s leaders wanted an all-in-one platform for customers while streamlining work for team members

As Co-Founder of Landlord Studio, Logan Ransley has always valued continual improvement. Landlord Studio’s insurance offerings were working, but created extra steps in their sign-up and daily workflows. Logan knew they could make the process better. Specifically, he wanted landlords to be able to create customized policies directly within Landlord Studio's interface.

At the time, Landlord Studio’s insurance offerings involved affiliate partnerships. Those insurance providers gave users a great experience, but the flow wasn’t smooth. Even successful purchases involved leaving the Landlord Studio ecosystem to shop for and manage landlord insurance in a separate tab, window, or app.

Not only did this clunky experience send users to third-party platforms and dashboards, it also created more work for Logan’s content team. They needed to create educational and tutorial materials to walk users through the complex process, taking time away from other key tasks.

Landlord Studio’s goal is to build and offer efficiencies for landlords to apply to their own portfolio-building operations. So Logan began seeking a solution beyond the conventional affiliate program arrangements. 

“We wanted to provide everything a landlord needs right from inception, from purchasing a property all the way through to property management and managing tenants. Adding Steadily allowed us to embed the insurance aspect directly into the user flow of our product, creating that all-in-one flow that we were looking for.”


Steadily streamlined the insurance purchase process while building landlord trust

After a thorough search, Logan saw that Steadily’s technology was the solution his product and team needed.

Now Landlord Studio has an all-in-one property management experience. Steadily is specifically designed and coded to operate within another business’s website, allowing Landlord Studio to drop it directly into their existing customer flow. 

“There are lots of moving parts landlords need to focus on and consider,” says Logan. “Building the experience to simplify and keep all their tasks and information in one place is key to helping them. The insurance component is just another one of those tasks that a landlord needs to be purchasing for every property. Having it embedded in an experience really simplifies their lives.”

Steadily’s embedded technology cut the need for users to leave Landlord Studio’s interface, making the process easier to follow. Now Landlord Studio’s team no longer needs to create and publish the how-to content guiding users through that process.

Adding Steadily to the Landlord Studio experience has also helped Logan’s team build trust with their customers to create more long-term relationships. It showcases their relevance and value to early-stage real estate investors at a time when those landlords are just learning their workflows. The earlier customer acquisition leads to longer lifetime values, and even stronger retention.

“Integrating Steadily meant that we could now build the trust element early on, onboard our clients correctly, and give them a tangible vision for what growth could look like at a later stage. So being able to both provide and unlock value at the start of landlords’ journeys has been really, really key for us.”


Landlord Studio’s improved product now converts more users in less time

Logan’s team originally set out to solve one challenge, but adopting Steadily delivered many surprising benefits. By bettering their own offerings with the Steadily integration, landlords now feel more confident implementing Landlord Studio early in their journey. That has resulted in across-the-board improvements:

  • Increased conversion rate by 2.7%
  • Saved their clients 150 hours a month
  • Improved customer retention by 3.6%

And perhaps most beneficial of all is Landlord Studio’s new infusion of optimism about the property management market and their position within it.