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5 Landlord Insurance Tips to Help you Avoid Distaster

Jesse Vasquez shares 5 tips for landlords to prevent insurance mishaps

7 Minutes

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Jesse Vasquez
AirVenuture Hosting, MTR Expert


Landlord insurance is a MUST-have for any rental property investor. But just because you HAVE insurance doesn’t mean you always want to use it. You might be protected from a damaged roof or flooded bottom floor, but NOBODY wants a burnt-down house or catastrophe to happen while their tenants are inside. To help keep your home or income property as safe as possible, Jesse Vasquez has brought a few tips that can EASILY save you thousands in deductibles and keep your cash flow rolling in.

Whether it’s letting trees touch your roof, not cleaning your lint trap, or having a haphazard HVAC system at your rental, any of these mistakes could RUIN your investment. Take it from Jesse; just one appliance could have set his first rental property ablaze and with it, all the money he worked so hard to save. So, DON’T make the same mistake. Take a few minutes to check out these tips; your future self will thank you!

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