When you're looking for a viable investment option that guarantees long-term returns without high risk, investing in real estate is ideal. Investing in an apartment complex can ensure that you're receiving a monthly guaranteed income that can provide stability for you in the future.
There are many ways to consider becoming involved in an apartment complex, either as a sole landlord or by becoming a part of a property management company. Additionally, you could also invest in the property and hire someone else to oversee and manage it for you.
There are many aspects to consider, from landlord insurance to choosing the ideal location before you start looking for the perfect apartment complex that will ensure long-term returns for you.
Difference Between a Landlord and Property Management Company
Whether you've rented an apartment in an apartment complex before or have heard it somewhere, the terms property manager and a landlord can be used simultaneously without any clarity on who's the actual owner of the complex.
A landlord is the sole owner of the apartment complex. They are usually the people in charge of the complex and can also be operating the property themselves. If there are any disputes or legal liabilities, a tenant will sue the landlord (as they are the owner); thus, they are also the main concern for all legal matters.
On the other hand, a property management company is a term used to refer to the person or group who manages the complex for the property owner. Entities like these typically have iron-clad policies and lease agreements and tend to have less flexibility than a landlord would.
So to answer the question: Who is The Landlord of An Apartment Complex? The short answer is the owner (a single person or organization) and generally the person that takes the financial and legal risks, however, many times apartment complexes can have different types of ownership.
What To Consider When Investing In An Apartment Complex
When you're considering long-term financial goals and want to ensure that your investment is maximized, choosing to invest in an apartment complex can be a brilliant idea. There is a constant need for affordable housing, especially in areas just beginning to become cosmopolitan.
Getting continual renovations and maintenance for your apartment complex may seem like an unnecessary expenditure and make you feel like you'll be spending more than you're earning. However, the more you invest in making your apartment complex better in terms of design, features, and amenities, the higher your returns will be.
Another good reason to consider apartment complex investing is the ideal U.S tax laws for real estate owners. When you're considering investing in an apartment complex, take the help of an expert tax professional to help you figure out how much you can save in taxes by routing your savings to owning an apartment complex instead.
Note: 66% of landlords are college graduates, while 56% are at least 35 years old!
Assessing All Aspects
Once you've understood all the logistics and financial planning required to own an apartment complex, you can get started on the process. It would be best if you considered many aspects when you're preparing to begin your search for the perfect property.
After ascertaining that owning an apartment complex won't put you in debt or cause significant financial stress on you, think about your budget. If you're a first-time investor, you want to think carefully about what kind of budget you want to work with. If you don't want to take unnecessary risks, it's probably good to start small.
Once you've determined the ideal budget, you need to select the type of apartment building you're looking to invest in. Locking in your budget can significantly aid in narrowing down the options available for the types of apartment buildings you can buy.
Apartment complexes can come in all shapes and sizes, whether it's an old mansion that's been redesigned to fit multiple condos or a minimalistic apartment complex. When considering different types of apartment complexes, keep in mind any renovation or repair costs that you might have to pay once you invest in the property. Consider the trade-off between buying a new (but expensive) apartment complex or an old complex that requires extensive repairs (but is cheaper).
When you've decided on the ideal apartment building you're looking to invest in, you can start your research into prospective properties you can invest in. You can either narrow down your search by area or by property type. Additionally, you can also utilize the help of professional service to find the ideal property for you.
Making a Thorough Analysis

When you've found a small collection of apartment complex properties that match your requirements, you can begin the process of placing offers. However, it's essential to do your due diligence before you start placing bids.
Evaluate the location, number of apartments, amenities, appearance, and overall condition of the apartment complex. You can get some professional insurance inspections done on the property as well to see what kind of landlord insurance premium you'd have to pay if you bought it.
You should also consider the kind of rent you can charge per apartment if you buy the property. If any renovations or repairs have to be conducted on the property, ensure beforehand that you have a vague idea of how much it would cost. The area will play a huge role in determining the tenants you will ultimately get and your monthly cash flow from the property.
Tip: On average, landlords handle around six repair calls from each tenant per year. It's ideal not to get a property that involves extensive repairs, as you will have to manage multiple repair requests from your tenants as well. Consider getting landlord insurance to make it a bit less financially stressful for you.
It would be best if you also considered the property's resale value in case you ever consider selling it again in the future. Hire an inspector to help you obtain copies of all essential documentation like tax returns, leases, and other legal documents to ensure no hidden problems await you once you buy the property.
Knowing the Landlord-Tenant Laws in the Area
Once you've placed an offer and successfully bought your apartment complex, it's crucial to do some research before you begin leasing the apartments to tenants. Each U.S state has different laws regarding landlords and tenants, so you have to ensure you've correctly understood all the critical terms before getting involved in legal contracts that can make you liable.
You have to ensure that all the apartments in your complex have basic amenities like electricity, water, gas, and other utilities. It would be best if you've got mold, pest, and other inspections done ahead of time, so your tenants feel more reassured when they're moving into the complex.
It would help if you treated your apartment complex similar to how you would run a business. It would be best to consider how many employees will be needed to ensure the optimal functioning of the complex. Everything needs to be prepared ahead of time, from security guards to cleaning staff, so you're not getting bombarded by complaints once the tenants start residing there.
Building a network of professionals involved in managing your apartment complex from day one, from plumbers to electricians, can ensure that everything goes smoothly in the long term.
If you're planning on being hands-on with your apartment complex, ensure that you're cultivating a good relationship with your tenants. It ensures that they remain there as long as possible. It will save you the hassle of continually screening and signing new leases with new tenants.
Note: More than 40% of all landlords ultimately end up managing their properties.
Think About Landlord Insurance
Once tenants start residing in your apartment complex, you need to consider getting landlord insurance.
Insurance on your apartment complex will ensure that you're not suffering from any financial losses due to natural disasters, accidents, injuries, fires, and other liability issues. While you may think that liabilities are not likely to occur on your property, you could end up surprised by how likely it is to happen.
It can also help protect you if a tenant decides to sue you for negligence or any other such cause. Keep all your bases covered to protect your long-term investment by getting landlord insurance.
Generate Long-Term Wealth with An Apartment Complex
There are many options today when it comes to finding the ideal place to invest money in. However, more than 10 million Americans today earn income through rental properties, signifying its popularity and lucrativeness in the U.S.
When you're looking for a safe and stable investment that can ensure income for you and your family years down the road, there is nothing better than buying an apartment complex.
Consider this legal and functional way to generate income when you know all the aspects needed to make it work in your case. Becoming a hands-on landlord in your property can also give you the chance to know everything about managing the complex so you can consider investing in another one. Take advantage of the increasing demand for affordable housing by cashing in on this opportunity while you can!